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Frequently asked questions

I work for multiple schools/clubs. Can I manage all schools/clubs from one account?

For subject teachers working at multiple schools or chess trainers active at different clubs, it is convenient if they can manage all student accounts from one account. The teacher can simply log in to their own account and easily access all the school and/or club accounts they use.

How does this work?

  1. The school or club purchases accounts for the students, plus one extra for a coach account that can manage the students.
  2. Go to the account settings in the school's/club's coach account (dropdown menu at the top right) and click on 'My account'
  3. Click on the blue button 'Grant access to other accounts'
  4. Enter the username of the subject teacher or chess trainer and click 'OK'

The subject teacher or chess trainer can now access and operate the school/club account via their own account:

  1. Log in to the personal account
  2. Click on the dropdown menu under the profile picture (top right)
  3. Select the option Go to another account
  4. Select the school/club you want to manage
  5. You are now 'logged in as' the coach account of the school/club
  6. Done? Then click at the top of your screen on 'Back to your account'

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