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Frequently asked questions

Why can I overrule an exam result?

As a teacher you have the possibility to manually give a student who has failed an exam the status 'passed'. This will overrule the exam result based on the outcomes that the program has recorded.

  • Click on ‘Coach’ in the menu bar
  • Click on ‘Exams
  • Go to the tab ‘Students who failed
  • Click on the diploma icon behind the student's name to assign the 'passed' status

This function is obviously not intended for a student who has insufficiently mastered the chess skills that are required to to pass the exam. If a student fails because he does not yet have sufficient mastery of the subject matter, he can try the exam again or first practice a little more with coaching from Chessto. See: My student failed an exam. What now?

Only give a student the status passed if, for example, the WiFi failed during the exam, the computer crashed, you have witnessed how the student accidentally clicked on the wrong square due to a sneezing, etcetera.


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