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What games can you play in the Playroom?
In the Playroom, you can play nine different chess games:
- Blitz: a regular game with 10 minutes per person
- Rapid: a regular game with 20 minutes per person
- World Cup: a 'tug-of-war' for the world cup. Solve chess exercises with the theme indicated. The player who 'tugs' the trophy towards them wins.
- Frog Race: a game also found in lessons. Solve chess exercises to move a frog. The player whose frog reaches the flower first wins. The theme of the exercises is not indicated.
- Space Race: a game also found in lessons. Solve chess exercises to make a rocket fly faster. The player whose rocket reaches the finish first wins. The theme of the exercises is not indicated.
- Castle Race: a game also found in lessons. Solve chess exercises to storm a castle with a knight. The player whose knight captures the treasure wins. The theme of the exercises is not indicated.
- Jumping Jack: a game also found in lessons. Collect coins with a knight. The player whose knight collects the most coins wins. This game is a very good exercise for the knight's move.
- Gong Chess: a chess game where the goal is to earn as many points as possible by capturing pieces within 7 minutes. This game is very suitable for practicing the value of the pieces.
- 5-Chess: a chess game where you can win not only by checkmating but also by earning five material points the fastest.
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