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Frequently asked questions

What tools does Chessity have for teachers and coaches?

The toolkit for teachers and coaches  can be found on the coach tab. 

When you teach Chess with Chessity, our tools for teachers and coaches are extremely useful:

Short explanation of the tools in the coach toolkit.


Use the Manage Students tool for your account management and to customize your students' settings. This is also where you can buy new accounts.


The Student Dashboard measures and tracks the progress of your students. It gives you an overview at group level of the progress of your students. By clicking on a student's name, you can see which lessons they have already completed and how well they did.


The dashboard offers a wide range of options for selecting and filtering data. As soon as you are familiar with the basic functionality of the dashboard, it is a good idea to take a closer look at it, because the dashboard is a very versatile instrument to coach your students in their learning process.


The Task tool is a tool for assigning homework or a weekly task. You can select lessons to assign to individual students.

A student who has been assigned tasks can immediately see this on his or her homepage. An icon with a backpack is displayed. This backpack contains the students’ tasks:

The Demo board tool turns your IWB or computer screen into an interactive demonstration board on which you can set up chess positions and give classical instructions. 

With the Add Coach Banner tool, you can personalize your students' learning environment with the school logo or other images.

Tip for chess clubs

Use this tool to add a sponsor banner.


The Coach Manager tool allows you to create coaching accounts for teachers or trainers. See further: How do I create accounts for teachers/coaches

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