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Frequently asked questions

How do I prepare my student for the exam?

The exam has exactly the same set-up as the practice exam, so the student will be familiar with it.

Unlike the practice exam, however, students cannot take the real exam on their own. The real exam is an official exam that needs to be supervised by the coach or teacher, or the results are invalid.

Students need to take the real exam independently and must not get help or pointers from the teacher or their fellow students.

Unlike the practice exam, it is not possible to retake the real exam immediately. A student who fails the real exam will first have to retake (and pass) the practice exam, before being allowed to take the real exam again.

Like the practice exam, students are not informed during the exam whether an answer was right or wrong. It may be wise to tell them that in advance.

The exam takes 10 to 20 minutes, but there is no time limit, so there is no time pressure either. Make sure to point out that the students can take their time to think about their answers and click carefully. It is not possible to change an answer afterwards.

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