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Beautiful inspiration from Budapest

Oct 16, 2018
StaffCoach 1312

For the fourth year in a row, Judit Polgars’s annual Global Chess Festival in Budapest inspired the world with a beautiful message: chess has a thousand different faces and is a great means to connect people all over the world.

A part of the Chessity team attended Polgar’s joyful chess party festival in Budapest. In the overwhelming entourage of the Hungarian National Gallery, we were witness to the wonderful marriages of chess and art, chess and generations, chess and globalization, chess and education, chess and physical impairments and even the yummy combination of chess and marzipan!

We made this video to give you an impression of the activities in Budapest:

The festival in Budapest had visitors from many countries and was the central point in more than 200 chess activities all over the world, that were involved in one way or the other. Every year more people worldwide join Polgar’s Global Chess Festival – beautiful proof of the fact that chess truly connects us.

The Global Chess Festial will celebrate its first lustrum next year. We challenge the Chessity community to take action together to make it the biggest event so far. How will you join in?


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ParekhAbhishekN 05:29 - 2 Jan 2019
Great way to promote the sport and also fun for kids and family together. I wish we had such events when I was a kid.

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