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The binding power of chess: A lesson from Judit Polgar

Oct 10, 2018, updated Oct 11, 2018
StaffCoach 1312

To many people chess is a pleasant pastime, a board game they can play with a friend. Others see it as a form of art, a theme that inspires literary pieces, dance and music performances, paintings and even blockbuster movies. To plenty it is a sport, an Olympic game, a career. It is also an educational tool, taught in schools for improving life skill - as is Chessity's main focus.

Chess has a thousand different faces. All the unique experienced offered by chess are celebrated and brought together during the annual Global Chess Festival, hosted by multiple Olympic champion Judit Polgar.

The passion for the game is the link between generations that teaches both young and old perseverance, logical thinking and respect.

4th Global Chess Festival - #ChessConnectsUs

This saturday, October 13th, the fourth edition of this festival will take place. Though the event will be hosted in Polgar’s hometown of Budapest, dozens of countries from around the world will be taking part in the celebration of the world’s oldest board game. 

The goal is to have a special day, when chess fans all around the world, everyone who sees the importance of the game, will share their personal chess experiences. All with Polgars' personal motto in mind: 'Chess connects us' (#ChessConnectsUs). Chessity wholeheartedly supports this and is happy to be present in Budapest this weekend.

The Budapest events of the festival will take place in the Hungarian National Gallery. The program is packed with chess, arts and children's activities. "The passion for the game is the link between generations that teaches both young and old perseverance, logical thinking and respect," says Judit Polgar.

Watch the video to get an impression of last year's Global Chess Festival

Educational chess programs

Amateur and professional chess players from over the globe will be connected through their own chess events on this day. A special mention goes to Holland and the small island of Schiermonnikoog: the island of only a thousand inhabitants has declared itself the "Isle of Chess', with every local child being taught to play chess in the future.

Another prominent role is for China, with nearly 200 locations taking part in the event. The emphasis of this will be placed on the teaching capabilities of chess, in line with Polgar's educational programs being introduced from September into dozens of schools in the country.

Join in and feel connected

The Global Chess Festival has created an online map of the world that shows all the events in the world that are part of the festival. Take a look to find out if there is an event you can join in your region:

But even if you are not able to participate in one of the organized chess events, you can be part of the Global Chess Festival. How? Following Chessity on Facebook or Twitter (where we will keep you posted about the events of the day in Budapest). Of by simply playing and enjoying a game of the chess, feeling connected to the millions of people around the globe who are doing the same thing. #ChessConnectsUs

Visit the official website: (with livestream)

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