Chessity at Tata Steel Chess18 January: SC Telstar Stadium, Velsen-Zuid 19 January: De Kuip, Rotterdam 21-22 January: Kids' Weekend, Wijk aan Zee 25 January: Philharmonie, Haarlem | Tata Steel Chess-offerLimited-time discount for coaches and schools only Buy 50 accounts |
Chessity brings your expertise to life

Enrich your lessons
Take advantage of the most inspirational chess curriculum, written by masters and grandmasters.
Motivate your students
Gamification is today's key to succesful learning, fostering a love of learning instead of a fear of failing.
Target your teaching
Intelligent adaptive software lets your students learn at their own level, even if you have 50 students in your class.
Let technology work for you
Direct feedback is the best feedback, science proves. Tech helps you out here (and it saves you a lot of time).
Take it personally
The student dashboard shows each student's individual progress. Offer tailormade support where needed.
Get community support
Receive expert advice from renowned chess coaches and share experiences in Chessity's exclusive community.
Educational gaming, serious fun
Chess learning through puzzles and mini games
What other coaches say about Chessity

Regobert Eijkelkamp (chess teacher in Hengelo)
From the first time I used Chessity my students were thrilled. And so was I. The coach tools map student progress and provides me with useful insights in how to help them. New digital learning tools dramatically change the way children learn and chess is no exception. Chessity understands this as no other chess teaching method that I know of.

Davy d'Israel (chess teacher in São Paulo)
I use Chessity to teach chess to more than 800 students, aged 7 to 15. Their ratings range from 800 to 2100. I wrote a book on chess teaching, but I was looking for a more attractive method. After all, children love technology and games. I saw the site and I loved it! I remember thinking: this is it! Good design, easy to understand, and interesting exercizes.

Huub van der Logt (chess teacher in Niekerk)
In my 40 years as a chess teacher, I've used numerous methods. A year ago, I started using Chessity, which enables me to teach 150 students in one year. I can monitor student progress at home and see what problems my students encouter. This allows me to make my next chess class as effective as possible. My students are very enthousiastic.
Sparkle up your chess classes

- Powerful chess teaching software
- Easy to master
- No installation needed
- Any place, any time, any device
- 30 Days money back guarantee