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What exactly is CHESS??

Oct 13, 2014

Chess is a mind exersizer. It helps YOU become smarter. For example (of how chess can help certian people), once a nine-yearold started to play chess just for a brain recovery!!! Cool, huh?? Chess can help you gain stratigies for other things such as checkers.Thats how chess is greatfor your bran. Stay tuned for my next blog about chess!!:)

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ria 03:45 - 14 Oct 2014
If there are any questions you may ask me. Thanks!!:) :)
Janton 13:04 - 14 Oct 2014
Yes, I have a question. Why do you love Chess yourself?
ria 03:07 - 15 Oct 2014
Just for the fun of playing chess and how it exercises your mind actually it helps you release you stress from a hard day or takes away temper.
Janton 10:06 - 15 Oct 2014
That's great. Making a mistake an also create some stress :)
ria 01:01 - 25 Oct 2014
Janton 15:44 - 25 Oct 2014
I try to figure out what I was writing :-) I think that I was saying that it is great that Chess helps with stress reduction. There are missing a few words, I think.

Anyway, have a nice day!
ReinJordi 16:27 - 18 Apr 2017
ericshuchengli 01:37 - 18 Oct 2017
jiff haggy ooh ash Ketchum kissed Serena

ericshuchengli 01:38 - 18 Oct 2017
owe sorry I had bad grammar
tnickb 15:31 - 6 Feb 2019
Thanx for the awnser
tnickb 15:37 - 6 Feb 2019
Thanx for the awnser

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