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This is a chessity position

Dec 8, 2013
Coach 2101

I have been using Chessity off and on for a year now. I initially began with the minimum. Trying to do some studying everyday.  Initially, training everyday was an accomplishment. But after several months of doing only 27 puzzles, it felt non-rewarding. 

I began experimenting with some of the other areas of the website and got remotivated again. I still had not reached my optimum training but I was doing better.

I found that I was beginning to win more over the board games and started recognizing "Chessity" themes in my games.

Recently, during the last 3 months, I have realized that I had not been pushing my self enough.  I was only doing just enough and not pressuring myself. So I started some contests with some of my students to help motivate us all.

Now I am seeing an increase in performance from not only my games, but my student games.  I hear them saying this is a chessity!

I enjoy waking up and checking the site and seeing a student has already completed several hundred positons before I have even started.  Or a student with a higher rating than me, etc.

Chessity has changed the way I train and how I train my students.  I look forward to continued growth and expansion of the site.

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awesomedude_play 23:46 - 8 Dec 2013
fightingfalcon_pl 03:29 - 10 Dec 2013
this is very iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg
rajashree1234 14:00 - 13 Dec 2013
arunjchess 09:37 - 17 May 2014

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