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Meet Chessto, your virtual chess teacher

Jan 17, 2018, updated Jan 18, 2018
Chessity staff post

Chessity has released the biggest update since the start of the program. The most striking new feature is the chess teaching robot Chessto. Chessto is our newest development in using articifial intelligence for chess teaching and is unique in the world. So now it's time to properly introduce Chessto to you.

Meet Chessto, your virtual chess teacher:

Chessto is a friendly robot that helps children and adults to learn chess. Chessto is a layer of artificial intelligence that teaches and trains users during a chess game by delivering tips and advice based on their personal chess level and user data. This deepens the learning process, allowing the chess teacher to focus on personal coaching. And kids simply love to have a little chess friend that helps them play chess.

With the aid of Chessto schools can now make chess available to their entire student body.

Moreover, Chessto enables the classroom teacher who never played chess or knows only some chess to include scholastic chess in the curriculum. With the aid of Chessto, in the addition to the existing gamification and teaching bot technology in Chessity, schools worldwide can now make chess available to their entire student body.

Playing chess exercises the brain and stimulates it in unrivaled ways. It is a great means to develop 21st-century skills, like critical and creative thinking. Chessity is devoted to take a lead role in the development of scholastic chess. Our goal is to bring the benefits of chess to all children throughout the world. We continuously work at improving our teaching method to make that possible, guided by the feedback of our users. The development of Chessto is big step in this process.

Chessto has been integrated in Chessity's learning path. When students are ready to apply their basic chess skills (learned in het Pawn Level) in real games of chess, Chessto enters the stage.

Want to give it a try? Play a game of chess with Chessto:

(click on the image to try out this Chessto chess lesson)

New lessons and course structure 

We have added more than 75 new lessons and exercises to improve the learning path and create an extra course level in Chessity. There are now 6 levels in Chessity, with a total number of more than 270 chess lessons, from absolute beginner to far advanced chess player: Pawn - Knight - Bishop - Rook - Queen - King, plus three additional advanced levels in endgame theory.

These thousands of personal learning processes help us to optimize our teaching method.

More than 14.000 children have learned chess with Chessity. What an exciting number! It's so rewarding to receive pictures from all over the world with entire school classes using our chess method and proud children posing with their chess diploma's. 

These thousands of personal learning processes help us to optimize our teaching method. The generated user data provide unique insights in what works best in learning chess. Since Chessity is an online chess teaching method, it is very flexible - allowing us to make contant improvements and additions to finetune the learning process.

This is a process that never stops. New lessons, featuring Chessto, will be released in the course of 2018. Our friendly little virtual teacher will become a constant companion for new chess learners - helping children to learn chess, helping teachers to teach chess.

There's more for you:

  • 700+ new chess tactic puzzles (50.000+ in total)
  • New positional exercises: interactive practice and training

  • 270+ ready-to-use chess lessons
  • Improved tool for chess-in-school workshops (for authorized users only)
  • Teacher dashboard: easily track student progress

  • Digital chess demo boardconvert any IWB, smartboard or computer screen into a versatile online chess demo board

  • Assign tasks: easy tool to assign learning tasks to students

  • 10 fun learning games


Find out how easy it is to teach chess with Chessity:

Just give it a try, it's free:

Click here to create a free trial account

(if you already have a premium Chessity account: change you account settings to 'coach' to get access to the teaching tools)

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tactician_play 21:38 - 18 Jan 2018
I clicked on Chessto to try to play a game, and I got the message: You have not yet unlocked this game.

No problem. Congratulations and thank you to Chessity staff for these latest additions.
tactician_play 21:39 - 18 Jan 2018
I clicked on Chessto to try to play a game, and I got the message: You have not yet unlocked this game.

No problem. Congratulations and thank you to Chessity staff for these latest additions.
JacquelineW 19:59 - 19 Jan 2018
Thanks. You can manually unlock levels in your acount settings. Go to My account – Account settings and check the option ‘Unlock all lessons’. Once you have done that, you can play any lesson you want, including the Chessto lessons.
vikiv 17:28 - 16 Apr 2020
gunnu_play 06:45 - 21 Oct 2020

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The gameviewer widget for websites 600px by 330px in dimensions.
<script type="text/javascript">
	var chessity_gameblog_id = 1598;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>