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Chessity at the London Chess Conference

Dec 8, 2016
StaffCoach 1312

We are excited to share that we are participating in this year’s London Chess Conference (10-12 December), on its three-day exploration of the didactics of chess. Chessity has been selected to give a presentation and two workshop on Saturday the 10th and Sunday the 11th of December.

If you want to meet us, just hit us up and say hello at the conference. Or drop us a note to schedule a meeting.

schedule a meeting

Supported by the European Chess Union, the London Chess Conference is part of the London Chess Classic. It offers a weekend of chess specialist lectures and workshops. This year’s theme is The Didactics of Chess.

We are very happy that we are selected to share our insights and learnings in the field of 21st century chess teaching. We hope you can attend our presentation or workshops:

  • The gamification of chess education (playthroughs). Saterday, 16:00 - 17:00, Kensington Suite (Hilton Olympia)
  • Online learning systems. Sunday, 14:00 – 14:45, Pembroke Suite (Hilton Olympia)
  • Cognitive insights into chess improvement (workshop), 16:00 - 17:30, London Room (Hilton Olympia)

You’ll learn

  • how Chessity helps you with motivated students, effective chess learning, easy differentiation, time for one-on-one teaching and a positive classroom atmosphere
  • how you can use Chessity in chess classes in schools, clubs and other educational settings
  • how Chessity has successfully boosted chess in school programmes in The Netherlands over de past years
  • how you can benefit from Chessity’s Ambassador Program, or join us as an Ambassador yourself 

We look forward to meeting you in person this weekend.

Not going to the conference?

If you aren’t joining us in London this weekend at the London Chess Conference, you can still follow the action on Twitter by following @chessity or the conference hashtag #LondonChessConf. You can also see photos and news direct from London on Facebook @chessity

If you would like to know more about Chessity's teaching tools or the Ambassador Program (or any other topic), please get in touch:



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sigrun 00:20 - 9 Dec 2016
it's great that you've been invited to talk at the London conference! I wish you good luck & a big audience!

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