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How to learn chess, fast?

Oct 4, 2016
StaffCoach 1312

It's only human. If you want something, you want it fast. And easy.

You want to loose 8 pounds in 1 week. Without a diet.

You want to make money. A lot of it. Without working, preferably.

You want to play the violin like a pro. Without years of practising.

And you want to learn how to play chess like a grandmaster. And quick please, because you aspire to kick world champion Magnus Carlsen's chess ass within a couple of months. Or a few years at the most.


Well. Dream on.

Chessity can't help you out there. (You knew that, didn't you? We all do. But we keep falling into the trap.)

The good things in life come slowly. They come with patience and dedication and often - sorry, can't make it any better - a dash of hard work.

Chess is lot of fun - both in the learning and in the mastering phase.

Chess is no exception. A well known saying goes: Chess is easy to learn, but hard to master.

But the good news is: chess is also lot of fun - both in the learning and in the mastering phase. Especially here, at Chessity. Because that's our core business: chess is a gift to the brain. So let's upwrap this gift.

To twist Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous quote about life: Chess is a journey, not a destination. And Chessity wants to help you to enjoy the road and reach your personal goals. Whether it is to learn the basics of chess and to get a few good chess tricks up your sleeve or to study chess tactics, improve your board vision and understand complex chess endgames. It's all here.

So... it's all here. Interactive and enjoyable chess training based on the concept of gaming your training. It's all here and since you are hanging out here, you problably know it is. But how to use it? How should you devide your time between learning, gaming and training?

That's is one of the burning questions that get asked most often. And because of that, you can find the answer in the brand new Help Center (aka FAQ). Seemed kind of fitting.

You can read the answer here. But to be honest: it won't answer your question. At least, not in the way you want it to. (Admit it, in spite of everything, you're still looking for a no-fail recipe to swift chess succes, aren't you?)

How to use Chessity depends on your own chess level and what YOU want to achieve. We can give some general advice for beginners, intermediate and advaced players (and we do just that in the aforementioned FAQ).

Improve your rating

We can also tell you that completing 3 to 4 daily traning sessions each week shows a quick and substantional rating grow for most users. But there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your personal preferences. On your strenghts and your weaknesses. On your individual training styles and on YOUR personal goals.

It's your chess journey, Chessity is just the roadmaker. So it's up to you which road you want to follow.

Enjoy your journey!

How do you use Chessity?

Your Chessity experience and traning tips can be very helpful to others chess players in the community. If you have any success (or failure!) stories about learning, training and gaming with Chessity, please share them in the comments.

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