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Partner of Tata Steel Chess

Jan 10, 2015
Chessity staff post

Partnership between Chessity and Tata Steel Chess

On Friday Januari 9, 2015 during the official opening of the 77th edition of the TataSteel chess tournament, TataSteel Chess and Chessity proudly presented a new partnership to bring chess to the youth of today. 

Tata Steel has chosen to work with Chessity, a successful startup that offers in the view of Tata Steel Chess a good platform for chess training on the Internet. In cooperation with Chessity, a Chess-in-School program will be organized alongside the famous Tata tournament. A large number of activities will be organised to bring chess back to the classroom.


Janton van Apeldoorn, Owner of Chessity, stated that this partnership will help to bring chess back in Schools.


Tata Steel Chess will provide Chessity a wonderfull platform to promote chess for children (based on the populair gaming your training format of Chessity). 


Tata Steel Chess  tournament known as 'The Wimbledon of Chess'

The 77th edition of the annual super tournament in Wijk aan Zee was opened on Friday afternoon.


Tata Steel Chess 2015
Tata Steel Chess 2015

Two Dancers with two World Chess Champions

In Tata Steel's Dudok Huis in Velzen-Noord, managing director Theo Henrar emphasized the tournament's long tradition.

Starting as an employee tournament, it has grown into an international tournament of world class renown, for which grandmasters and amateurs alike will clear their diaries. Tata Steel has chosen for chess, because chess entails strategic thinking and focuses on finding creative solutions for complex issues. The same goes for steelmaking, a high-tech process with a crucial role for innovation. Tata Steel employees are continuously working on improving processes and products in order to help customers be successful in their markets while contributing to creating a sustainable society. This year sees the 77th edition of the tournament. Among chess aficionados the tournament in Wijk aan Zee is known as ‘The Wimbledon of Chess’.   

Every year the best chess players in the World measure their strengths at the Tata Steel Chess Tournament in January. They do so in the same room as hundreds of participants in the amateur tournaments, thus creating a unique atmosphere. All over the village of Wijk aan Zee chess competitions are organised. Wijk aan Zee is transformed into the Mecca of chess for two weeks each year. During the tournament 1.3 million people visit the tournament website.

Click here for more about the tournament >>


Stay tuned, more news will follow!

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