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Chessity’s plans for the next six months

Jul 22, 2016
Chessity staff post

Working as an entirely virtual team, Chessity staff members don’t often get together. In fact, the last face-to-face team meeting took place three years ago.

A lot has happened since then! Chessity has grown from an emerging start-up to a full-fledged online chess platform with over 60.000 users worldwide, both chess players and chess coaches.

So, when the Chessity team finally got together again this month, we had plenty to talk about! We made some great new plans and are happy to fill you in.

Meet the Chessity team.
Meet the Chessity team.

Over the past couple of years, we’ve spent a lot of time with our heads down, focusing on creating the best and the most fun chess learning website on the internet.

During our meeting, we raised our heads to look around us. And we marveled at what we have been able to achieve in a relatively short period of time: more than 200 hundred chess lessons, 50 thousand handmade tactic puzzles, various fun games, unique visualization and endgame training tools, and inspriring chess blogs – we have every reason to be proud.

Lately, we have put a lot of work into optimizing Chessity as a teaching tool for chess coaches and chess in school programs. With new lessons, an extensive student monitoring system and even the very first Chessity exam!

We are ready to take Chessity to the next level, and we are going to take you with us.

Our efforts have resulted in a successful partnership with the Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KSNB). Major chess schools in Brazil, Germany, South Africa, India and Great Britain – to name a few – now use Chessity as their main teaching tool. We receive fanmail from coaches worldwide, telling us they love Chessity.

That puts a smile on our faces. Okay. Let’s be honest: a big smile. It also confirms us in our belief that we are well on track in creating the ultimate teaching tool for chess coaches.

So, now what? Sit back, relax and enjoy the sun? Ummm. Well. Yes, that too. After all, these are the summer holidays…

But when we get back – we won’t be long, we can’t wait to get started – we are ready to take Chessity to the next level. And we are going to take you with us!

Improved student monitoring system

Chessity changes the way a chess teacher works. Correcting homework is a thing of the past, students can help each other, and the system gives direct feedback if a student makes a mistake. This enables chess coaches to teach larger groups, while diffentiating between chess levels at the same time. The teachers role is to coach and guide their student in their learning process. Chessity's student monitoring system provides coaches with a wealth of information to optimize student potential. 

Chess coaches already love our current monitoring tools, but we want to make things even better. We are integrating the existing coaching dashboards into one new and complete student monitoring system.This will give chess coaches easier access to information about their students' progress. Coach reports show how students are spending their time on Chessity, where they're struggling, and where they're excelling. Knowing your students' exact chess skills and learning styles will help you in guiding them to become better chess players.

Chess exams in Chessity

Another focus will be on expanding our exam structure. Last month, we added a child-friendly system to earn chess badges at Pawn Level (formerly: Beginner). After earning seven badges, an exam is unlocked. In the near future, it will be possible to get a real chess diploma if you pass the exam. And why stop at Pawn Level? If things go well, an exam and diploma for Knight Level might follow shortly.

Next, we are going to give you a bit of TLC. We know that a lot of you have figured out all Chessity’s features by yourselves. But we also know that a lot of you haven’t discovered half of what our program has to offer. Or are unsure how to use it to its best. And that’s a pity, because we want your chess or your students’ chess to profit as much from Chessity as possible.

Knowledge base for Chessity users

We realize that we can do more to enhance your Chessity experience. Therefore, in late summer, early fall we’ll add an extensive Frequently Asked Questions-section to Chessity. This FAQ will help you find all the cool stuff in Chessity and show you how to use it. It will also function as a knowledge base for chess coaches who start teaching with Chessity, because we know that things can be a bit overwhelming at first…

Word has traveled fast that Chessity adds value to your chess (teaching) life.

Since our launch we have pretty much allowed our product to speak for itself. Word has traveled fast that Chessity adds value to your chess (teaching) life. During our team meeting, Chessity staff have come to the conclusion that it’s time to share that story. We want more people to benefit from our efforts at Chessity and tell us that they love our product.

Not because large numbers make us smile. But because it means that more children (and adults) get to learn chess in a fun way and enjoy the game. And that is what really makes us happy.

Spread the word

If you feel the same way, we invite you to help us spread the word. Simply click on one of the sharing buttons next to and above this blog post. Or invite parents, teachers and chess coaches to create a free account at Chessity and see how it works for them. That would be great!

Finally, we would really like to hear about your personal Chessity experience. How does Chessity help you on your chess journey? What can we do to make things better? Sharing your thoughts and suggestions for improvement would mean the world to us. Your feedback inspires us!

(Pssst... we are also working on some amazing new puzzles to boost your chess skills. But that's top secret, so don't tell anyone!)

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